When you sign a bail contract for a defendant, you’re making a significant commitment. By agreeing to act as a guarantor, you’re assuring the Bail Bonds Company that the defendant will appear at every required court session—typically multiple hearings. It’s important to note that you’re responsible for all of these appearances.

We will keep you informed about each scheduled court date, and you can always reach out to us for updates on any changes. However, if the defendant fails to show up in court, you face the risk of being held financially liable for the full bond amount. If you’re unable to return the defendant to court promptly, you will be required to pay the total bond liability to the Bail Bond Company.

Indemnity Agreement protects the Bail Bond Company against any loss or cost related to the defendant failing to appear, with an expectation that you will cover those costs if the defendant doesn’t return voluntarily.

Promissory Note involves you taking financial responsibility for paying the full bond amount if the defendant skips bail and doesn’t make it back to court.

Both contracts expire once the case is resolved and the court has issued a judgment or final decision.